Two Minute Therapy

TwoMin­uteTh­er­a­py (TMT) was devel­oped as a means to help you even when you are too busy to sched­ule in reg­u­lar face to face coun­sel­ing. Do you some­times feel the need for emo­tion­al sup­port but nev­er get around to doing some­thing about it? Then TwoMin­uteTh­er­a­py might be for you.

Twomin­uteth­er­a­py is a nov­el form of coun­sel­ing which uses spo­ken mes­sages with a max­i­mum length of two min­utes. You record these when its con­ve­nient and leave them for me. I lis­ten to your prob­lem and pro­vide feed­back with­in 24 hours.

Because you choose the time you want lis­ten to my mes­sages, you are com­plete­ly flex­i­ble in your tim­ing. From now on you can get stuff of your chest when­ev­er you want. No  trav­el time, no appoint­ment need­ed and no more park­ing problems. 

How does it work?

Its very simple.

The only thing you need is a smart­phone with What­sApp. This appli­ca­tion enables you to send and receive mes­sages with oth­er What­sApp users. 

Why What­sApp?

I chose voice mes­sages over tex­ting or email because I believe a lis­ten­ing ear and the human voice offer more emo­tion­al sup­port than writ­ten text ever could. And What­sApp is an acces­si­ble and easy to use plat­form for exchang­ing these.

Don’t have WHat­sApp yet?
Down­load What­sApp.

The costs

With TwoMin­uteTh­er­a­py you pay per ses­sion (mes­sage) E 25,- excl BTW for the time I spend on your coun­sel­ing. That is: for the time it takes me to lis­ten to your mes­sage, think about the issue at hand and give my feedback.

We also offer pack­age options. Con­tact us for more information.


Your first Intro­duc­tion TmT ses­sion is for Free!

About the therapist

After grad­u­at­ing in Clin­i­cal Psy­chol­o­gy at the Vri­je Uni­ver­siteit Ams­ter­dam I start­ed work­ing as a Psy­chol­o­gist. I have been doing so for nine years. In my prac­tice (Coun­sel­ing Ams­ter­dam) is reg­u­lar­ly see peo­ple with a busy pro­fes­sion­al life. Many of them take work stress home and expe­ri­ence dif­fi­cul­ties in a many dif­fer­ent areas as a result. The sad thing in these cas­es often is that even though peo­ple might recog­nise the need to change they sim­ply are too pressed for time to do some­thing about it. I came up with TwoMin­uteTh­er­a­py to be able to help in this situation.

As entre­peneur, moth­er and wife I have first hand expe­ri­ence with the prob­lems of the mid career pro­fes­sion­al. I would love to help you avoid its pitfalls.

How do I become a client

You reg­is­ter by call­ing me on 06 50986580 or by send­ing me an email.

By mail you will receive the intake form and the coun­sel­ing agree­ment con­tain­ing the terms and conditions.

Once you have filled these out and returned them, we will sched­ule an appoint­ment for an intro­duc­to­ry face to face or phone ses­sion. This will take approx­i­mate­ly 45 min­utes and costs € 40 excl BTW.

You can start using TwoMinuteTherapy.

TwoMin­uteTh­er­a­py | Wher­ev­er, when­ev­er!

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